Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Live Green Marin

I just received this message and I'd like to share it with you.
Here at Green America we often get questions about how to make going solar at home more affordable.

The good news is that there's legislation before the House of Representatives right now that could go a long way toward helping cities and homeowners partner together to install residential solar systems at no up-front cost to the homeowner. Through their city partnership, homeowners can pay back the cost of their system via a clean-energy property assessment on their tax bill – all while saving money on electricity bills, and creating local clean-energy jobs.

It's a win-win for both cities and homeowners, which is why 27 states across the country have authorized these property-assessed clean energy (PACE) programs.

As we shared with you last summer in this editorial PACE programs nationwide have run into some legal snags. The new Congressional legislation is designed to untangle the legal knots and put PACE programs back on track. Learn more in our latest editorial below and take action to ask Congress to support PACE.

Even in these contentious political times, PACE programs enjoy strong bi-partisan support. Your support can help put this bill over the top.

In the meantime, our editors are putting the finishing touches on our next Green American magazine, devoted entirely to the theme of helping communities go solar. If you're not already a member, please join with us today, to start receiving the Green American. We're featuring articles on how to get involved in solar buying co-ops, community-owned solar installations, solar-leasing programs, and more.

If you can't wait for the next Green American to go solar, check out the solar leasing offer in the sidebar at right from Sungevity, a member of our Green Business Network™. Solar leasing offers another strategy for going solar with no money down, and right now, Sungevity is offering a $1,000 cash gift card incentive for signing up with them, in the states where they have operations.

Finally, we introduce you to Erika Welickza of REPower Solutions, a Green Business Network member based in Cleveland, OH. Her company has installed solar everywhere from the Cleveland Indians stadium to Montessori schools to numerous private homes and farms. Check out her Faces of the Green Pages interview to learn more about solar in Ohio.

The sun shines for everyone,

Alisa Gravitz,
Executive Director,
Green America
P.S. Donate now to support our Climate Action Program – working to shut down coal plans and creating Clean Energy Victory Bonds to invest in solar, wind, and energy efficiency. Thanks for all you do.

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